Hi! Thanks for checking out Pacific Midwest! :)
These things are always so weird to write, but here goes nothing! :P
My name's Kylie - I'm a California native transplanted to the middle of Ohio (hence Pacific Midwest haha) for a college education at THE greatest university in the world! After a few years of debating whether or not to actually make one of these things, I finally caved!
I LOVE crafting. LOVE IT.
Basically, I'd much rather stay home with some paint and a glue gun than go out any day.
This blog was originally going to be called "Secretly an Old Lady" because truthfully, I am. I still call dibs on the hashtag though! #secretlyanoldlady
We'll see how this thing goes! I'm super excited to get started and share some of the tricks I've learned over the past couple years, as well as challenge myself to come up with some new and fresh ideas to share!
Thanks again for stopping by! OH! And feel free to contact me at anytime - I LOVE fellow crafty folks! :)
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